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Version: 1.17.0

Object model



Object that stores the result of image processing in the following format:

  • Sample ID
  • Sample creation date in ISO 8601
  • Last sample modification date in ISO 8601
  • Detection result (SampleData)

The sample is used by OMNI Platform to create profiles and compare faces. Face comparison (identification and verification) means the comparison of biometric face templates stored in samples.


Object contains metadata about a person, person's image (avatar), activity and a set of samples, including the main sample.

To create a profile in OMNI Platform, a person's image (avatar) is uploaded via the web interface or integration API. A sample is created from the uploaded image, and is automatically linked to the profile. This first created sample by default becomes the main sample of the profile, i.e. a sample that will be used for face identification and verification. For people who get into the camera's field of view and do not have profiles in the system, the profiles can be created from activities.

Profile group

Object contains a set of profile IDs and metadata about the group. Profiles are grouped according to arbitrary criteria, such as VIP clients, employees, etc.


An object that stores information about any detected human presence in the camera's field of view. This type of dynamic data is transmitted by OMNIAgents and stored in the form of agent processes.

When a person appears in the frame, OMNI Agent starts to form processes of various types (person, track, face, body, emotions, etc.), which are transmitted to OMNI Platform or external services via a webhook.

Activity is a set of processes that belong to a specific person (from the moment a person appears in the camera's field of view until leaving the frame).

All binary images (crops) extracted from the processes, biometric templates and face attributes are stored in the platform database. Next, the biometric template from the activity is compared with the biometric templates from the main profile samples from the database.

If the similarity result (score) is equal to or greater than the threshold value (score_threshold), which is 0.85 by default, a profile ID is attached to the activity, after which this activity is added to the profile. If for all profiles the similarity result did not exceed the threshold value, the activity refers to a person who does not have a profile in the database. In this case, you can create a profile by activity through the web interface or the integration API.


Event is a data format that represents recognition and tracking results as facts. OMNI Platform can receive the following types of events:

  • Identification/Non-identification events (a person in the camera's field of view is identified/non-identified)
  • ROI events (a person is in/out of ROI)
  • Crossing events (a person crossed the line marked on the video stream in the forward/reverse direction)
  • HAR events (a person has fallen, sits, lies or is involved in a fight)


The trigger ensures the creation and sending of notifications to endpoints if the information from the activity satisfies the trigger condition.

The object contains a trigger condition, a set of endpoints, and the identifier of the group associated with it.

The trigger condition is the condition for the appearance of notifications: a notification is created if the person whose profile is added to the group falls into the camera's field of view.


Activity notifications are sent in real time to one or more endpoints: web interface, email, or a webhook. The object contains meta-information about the notification, as well as links to the objects associated with this notification: profile, group, trigger, and endpoint.


An activity notification is only sent if the profile created for this person is added to the group.


Object contains data about the point where notifications are sent to.

Endpoint types:

  • Web interface – responsible for pop-up alerts in the browser.
  • Mail
  • Webhook

When creating a user account, two endpoints are created, one of the web interface type, the second of the mail type to the account registration address. The user can create additional endpoints such as mail and webhook, while creating another endpoint of the web interface type will not work, because. the system has only one web interface, to which the endpoint created by default is attached.


Object stores information about OMNI Agent, including identifier, name, creation and modification date, agent status (active/stopped), list of identifiers of peripheral devices (cameras) connected to the agent, and other related parameters.


Object stores edge device (camera) data.