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Version: 1.8.0


This section of the dashboard allows you to manage reports that reflect the system performance.


A report includes a set of metrics based on a section of data for a certain period of time.

A report can have the following statuses:

  • Not running. The report is only created and has not been started for processing.
  • Processing. The report is being processed. Processing may take a long time depending on the size of the database and the reporting period.
  • Completed. The report has been successfully processed. If the data for the check period in the dashboard has been updated, a new report must be created to retrieve it.
  • Error. An error occurred while processing a report.
  • Canceled. Report processing has been canceled. Resuming report processing will only affect metrics that were not calculated for the previous processing.

Report data can be downloaded in csv format. Example report:

Pass Rate (%)Fail Rate (%)Completion (ms)Suspected Fraud (%)Abandonment Rate (%)Fraud ProofingFraud AuthenticationAuthentication Failures (%)

Metrics explanation:

  • Pass Rate. The percentage of applicants who have a "Success" status relative to the total number of applicants.
  • Fail Rate. The percentage of applicants who have a status of "Fail" or "Failed Attempt" relative to the total number of applicants.
  • Completion. The average time taken from the creation of an applicant to their registration.
  • Suspected Fraud. The percentage of attempts with risks relative to the total number of attempts.
  • Abandonment Rate. The percentage of applicants in a "Pending" status relative to the total number of applicants.
  • Fraud Proofing. The total number of applicants who have been "Cancelled" combined with the number of registration attempts with risks.
  • Fraud Authentication. The total number of applicants with a "Cancelled" status combined with the number of authentication attempts with risks.
  • Authentication Failures. The average proportion of failed attempts relative to the total number of attempts for each applicant.

The report status is not updated automatically. To update report data, please click the button in the upper right corner of the page.