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Version: 1.9.0 (latest)

Applicant statuses

Applicant statuses

The table contains a list of all possible applicant statuses and their descriptions:

Status nameStatus numberStatus descriptionPossible status transitions
Pending0The applicant has just been created. No registration attempts have been madeSuccess, Failed, Canceled, FailedAttempt
Success1The applicant has been successfully registeredCanceled
Failed2The applicant blockedFailedAttempt (Unlocking the applicant after the number of attempts has expired or the risk has been triggered)
Canceled3The applicant is manually closed
  • Success (Opening an applicant which was previously in Success status)
  • Pending (Opening an applicant which was previously in Pending status)
  • FailedAttempt (Opening an applicant which was previously in FailedAttempt status)
  • FailedAttempt5The applicant unsuccessfully attempted to register. Repeated attempts are possibleSuccess, Failed, Canceled