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Version: 3.23.0


  • Use Cases: Diagrams that show possible use cases and connection between Face SDK objects.
  • Connecting Face SDK to Project: Instructions on how to add and use the libfacerec library in your project.
  • Face Capturing: Face detection and tracking, fitting of face landmarks and iris landmarks, calculation of head rotation angles, face normalization.
  • Face Identification: Face identification and verification.
  • Face Estimation: Estimation of age, gender and emotions, Liveness check (2D/3D), assessment of face image quality, detection of masks and open/closed eyes.
  • Video Stream Processing: Face tracking, creation of templates, face identification, estimation of age, gender, and emotions, Liveness check, short-time identification.
  • Processing Block API: New scalable interface for easy implementing Face SDK features.
  • GPU Usage: Instructions on GPU usage for acceleration of Face SDK modules on Linux x86 64-bit and Android.
  • Face SDK VideoEngine JS plugin: Integration and usage of the Javascript plugin.
  • Error Handling: Error handling in C++/C#/Java/Python.
  • Memory Management: Memory management in C++/C#/Java/Python.
  • Camera Calibration: Instructions on camera calibration and distortion correction.