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Version: 3.9.0

Estimating Age, Gender, and Emotions

In this tutorial, you'll learn how to estimate age, gender, and emotions of a face using Face SDK. The result will be displayed next to the detected face. This tutorial expects that you already have a project with face detection in a video stream or on an image. You can learn how to detect faces in a video stream in the tutorial Face Detection and Tracking in a Video Stream. In this tutorial, we estimate age, gender, and emotions on the image.

You can find the tutorial project in Face SDK: examples/tutorials/age_gender_and_emotions

Estimating gender and age

  1. Specify the path to the image in the field QImage image. Set the parameters of labels with information about gender, age, and emotions (size and style of text).


QImage image(image_path);
QPainter painter(&image);
QPen pen;
painter.setFont(QFont("Arial", 15, QFont::DemiBold));
  1. Set the indent margin_from_rect between the face bounding rectangle and the text with information about a face. Set the distance between the elements "age group", "age", and "emotion" text_element_position. These elements are displayed to the right of a detected face, one below the other.


    const int margin_from_rect = 32; // margin text from face bounding rect
const int text_element_position = 32;
  1. Use the method pbio::FacerecService::createAgeGenderEstimator to create the object AgeGenderEstimator and estimate gender and age. When calling this method, specify the configuration file age_gender_estimator.xml.


// create the age-gender estimator
pbio::AgeGenderEstimator::Ptr age_gender_estimator = service->createAgeGenderEstimator("age_gender_estimator.xml");
  1. Calculate the starting point base_point to display the information about gender, age, and emotions: get the face bounding rectangle from the RawSample object, which stores the face information and calculate the point taking into account the indent margin_from_rect.


// calculate the base point to draw age, gender and emotion information
const pbio::RawSample::Rectangle rectangle = sample->getRectangle();
const QPoint base_point = QPoint(rectangle.x + rectangle.width + margin_from_rect, rectangle.y);
  1. Estimate gender and age of a face (*sample) using the method pbio::AgeGenderEstimator. Display the age group based on the estimated age. Four age groups are available:
  • Kid (under 18 years)
  • Young (18-37 years)
  • Adult (37-55 years)
  • Senior (55 years and older)

The age group is taken from the enumeration pbio::AgeGenderEstimator::Age and the result is stored in the age_group_text variable. Display the label with the age group using the method painter.drawText. The label will be on the first line to the right of the starting point base_point.


// estimate and draw age and gender
const pbio::AgeGenderEstimator::AgeGender age_gender = age_gender_estimator->estimateAgeGender(*sample);;

// draw age group
const QMap<pbio::AgeGenderEstimator::Age, QString> age_map =
{pbio::AgeGenderEstimator::AGE_KID, "Kid"},
{pbio::AgeGenderEstimator::AGE_YOUNG, "Young"},
{pbio::AgeGenderEstimator::AGE_ADULT, "Adult"},
{pbio::AgeGenderEstimator::AGE_SENIOR, "Senior"}
QString age_group_text = QString("Age Group: %1").arg(age_map[age_gender.age]);

painter.drawText(base_point + QPoint(0, text_element_position * 0), age_group_text);
  1. Display the age in years on the second line (under the age group).


// estimate and draw age and gender
// draw age in years
QString age_in_years_text = QString("Age: %1").arg((int)age_gender.age_years);
painter.drawText(base_point + QPoint(0, text_element_position * 1), age_in_years_text);
  1. Display the gender on the third line (under the age).


// estimate and draw age and gender
// draw gender
QString gender = age_gender.gender == pbio::AgeGenderEstimator::GENDER_MALE ? "Male" : "Female";
QString gender_text = QString("Gender: %1").arg(gender);
painter.drawText(base_point + QPoint(0, text_element_position * 2), gender_text);

  1. Run the project. At this stage, you'll see the information about the age group, age and gender to the right of the detected face.

Estimating emotions

  1. Use the method pbio::FacerecService::createEmotionsEstimator to create the object EmotionsEstimator and estimate emotions. When calling this method, specify the configuration file emotions_estimator.xml.


// create the emotions estimator
pbio::EmotionsEstimator::Ptr emotions_estimator = service->createEmotionsEstimator("emotions_estimator.xml");
  1. Use the method pbio::EmotionsEstimator::estimateEmotions to estimate emotions of a detected face (*sample) and get a confidence coefficient (from 0 to 1). The enumeration pbio::EmotionsEstimator::Emotion includes all available emotions. Face SDK estimates four emotions:
  • Neutral
  • Happy
  • Angry
  • Surprised

Each emotion is assigned an index from 0 to 3. In this project, we display emotions as four columns of different colors (blue, green, red, yellow) with corresponding labels (Neutral, Happy, Angry, Surprise). If the confidence coefficient of emotion is high, then the column for this emotion is longer than three other columns. This clearly shows which emotion prevails. All parameters of emotions are stored in the dictionary emotions_params.


// estimate and draw emotions
// estimate emotions for a sample
const std::vector<pbio::EmotionsEstimator::EmotionConfidence> emotions = emotions_estimator->estimateEmotions(*sample);

// emotion parameters for drawing: row number, bar color, label text
struct EmotionParams
int row;
QColor color;
QString label;

const QMap<pbio::EmotionsEstimator::Emotion, EmotionParams> emotions_params =
{pbio::EmotionsEstimator::EMOTION_NEUTRAL, {0, Qt::blue, "Neutral"}},
{pbio::EmotionsEstimator::EMOTION_HAPPY, {1, Qt::green, "Happy"}},
{pbio::EmotionsEstimator::EMOTION_ANGRY, {2, Qt::red, "Angry"}},
{pbio::EmotionsEstimator::EMOTION_SURPRISE, {3, Qt::yellow, "Surprise"}}
  1. Set the starting point emotions_base_point, which we'll use to draw the columns with emotions (to the right of a face bounding rectangle with the labels). Also set the size of the columns with emotions bar_base_size and indent bar_offset from the labels of emotions.


// estimate and draw emotions
const QPoint emotions_base_point(base_point + QPoint(0, text_element_position * 3)); // base point of first emotion
const QSizeF bar_base_size(100, 15); // base size for emotion confidence bar
const QPoint bar_offset(100, 0); // offset of emotion bar from emotion label
  1. Display the labels and columns. In the loop, calculate the starting point emotion_row_base_point to display the information about each emotion and the starting point text_base_point to display the name of emotion. Then, get the name of the emotion from the dictionary and display the label emotion_label. Display the column for each emotion: calculate the starting point to display the column bar_base_point and calculate the length of the column bar_size. To do this, multiply the value of bar_base_size.width by the confidence coefficient. Color the columns according to the colors from the dictionary.


// estimate and draw emotions
// iterate by emotions
for (const auto &emotion_confidence: emotions)
const auto &emotion_params = emotions_params[emotion_confidence.emotion];

const int &emotion_row = emotion_params.row;
const QPoint emotion_row_base_point = emotions_base_point + QPoint(0, text_element_position * emotion_row);
const QPoint text_base_point = emotion_row_base_point + QPoint(0, bar_base_size.height());;

// draw an emotion label
const QString &emotion_label = emotion_params.label;
painter.drawText(text_base_point, emotion_label);

// draw a confidence bar
const QPoint bar_base_point = emotion_row_base_point + bar_offset;
QSizeF bar_size(bar_base_size.width() * emotion_confidence.confidence, bar_base_size.height());
const QColor &emotion_color = emotion_params.color;

painter.drawRect(QRectF(bar_base_point, bar_size));

  1. Run the project. To the right of the face bounding rectangle, you'll see the information about emotions (the length of a column visualize the probability distribution in the space of described emotions).