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Version: 1.1.0

3. Access to Image API

To review how Image API services work, we provide a special web interface available at <image_api_url>. From this entry point you can get access to the Swagger documentation.

<image_api_url> is represented as http://<domain>, where <domain> is a domain name, specified in para. 2.1.2.

To directly access the Swagger documentation for a specific service, go to <image_api_url>/<service_name>/docs, where image_api_url is the address of the deployed product, and service_name is the service name.

List of service names:

  • face-detector-face-fitter
  • face-detector-liveness-estimator
  • face-detector-template-extractor
  • age-estimator
  • emotion-estimator
  • gender-estimator
  • mask-estimator
  • quality-assessment-estimator
  • body-detector
  • verify-matcher

Note: If you have any questions, need installation assistance or want to leave your feedback, contact 3DiVi support team at the address