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Version: 3.25.1 (latest)


The table below shows error codes and error messages that may occur when using Face SDK, and possible solutions:

Error codeError descriptionPossible solution
0x2fd1cbddLicense file not found.Make sure that the license file is in the license directory.
0x9a7b099fThe processing license is not valid for this method.Make sure that you created a `Recognizer` object with the `processing` flag and there is a free `processor<method_name>` component in your license file.
0xc2fb31caThe matching license is not valid for this method.Make sure that you created a `Recognizer` object with the `matching` flag and there is a free `matcher<method_name>` component in your license file.
0x752187cbValid video frame timestamp is required for Depth Liveness estimation.Make sure that you are passing valid timestamps to the `addVideoFrame` method.
0x23d47b00Valid video frame timestamp is required for IR Liveness estimation.Make sure that you are passing valid timestamps to the `addVideoFrame` method.
0x6b4b4115Error while loading template: template labels do not match.Make sure that the current `Recognizer` method is the same as the one used when saving the template.
0x54faacfeGPU device is not available but the `use_cuda` parameter is turned on.Make sure that the required CUDA version is installed or disable GPU usage by setting the `use_cuda` parameter to `0` in the configuration file.
0xb1274980The `gpu_index` is negative.Set a non-negative number for the `gpu_index` parameter in the configuration file.
0x78121b36This Face SDK build does not support running the model on GPU.Disable the `with_cuda` parameter in the configuration file or use Face SDK build with GPU support.
0x0616033c, 0xbe61f5edError while reading fileMake sure that you downloaded/installed the distribution correctly. Try to re-download or reinstall Face SDK.
0x032ad038facerec exception catched: 'Assertion failed (ERROR: ../lib// could not be loaded - /lib64/ version `GLIBCXX_3.4.20' not found (required by ../lib// support for the old version of onnxruntime by specifying the `use_legacy` parameter. Make sure that *onnxruntime_legacy* is located in the libraries directory.