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Version: 2.7.1

API reference

OMNI Agent uses the following HTTP endpoints:


Get information about OMNI Agent version.

Method: GET

Request parameters:

Response parameters:

  • version: string – OMNI Agent version
  • full_version_with_hash: string – OMNI Agent version with hash
  • build_hash: string – hash of the git commit from which OMNI Agent is built
  • build_date: string – OMNI Agent build date
  • name: string – name of OMNI Agent executable file
  • used_software: object – an object that describes the versions of used libraries
    • FaceSDK: string – Face SDK version
  • may_be_standalone: bool – availability of Standalone mode


Launching an external (media) process.

Method: POST

Request parameters:

  • repeats: bool – a sign of a repeated (looped) process
  • name: string – name (the name of video file for the Media class)
  • class: string – external process class (default class is media)
  • duration: int – estimated length of the process. The default is 0.
    • 0 – length unknown.
  • started_at: int – internal timestamp of external process start.
  • stream_uuid: UUID string – ID of the camera to which this external process is bound. The default is an empty string.
    • Processes not attached to cameras are ignored.

Response parameters:


Stopping the last open external (media) process with the requested parameters (marked with an asterisk).

Method: POST

Request parameters:

  • name*: string – name (the name of video file for the Media class)
  • class*: string – external process class (default class is media)
  • stopped_at: int – internal timestamp for stopping the external process.
  • stream_uuid: UUID string – ID of the camera to which this external process is attached. The default is an empty string.
    • Processes not attached to cameras are ignored.

Response parameters:


Stopping all open external processes associated with the video stream with the corresponding UUID.

Method: POST

Request parameters:

  • stream_uuid: UUID string – camera ID, empty string by default.
    • If empty string – all processes are deleted (for all cameras)

Response parameters:


Request for map tracking.

Method: GET

Query parameters:

Response parameters:

  • views: object – view name → view object mapping.
    • <view name>: object contains information about body detections in this view. The object name corresponds to the view name. The default name is "top_view".
      • view_name: string – view name. The default is "top_view".
      • camera_frames_data: object – objects with timestamps of frames on which initial detections were received, for each video stream in the form of stream_uuid → frame_data mapping.
        • <stream_uuid>: object – an object with timestamps of the frame on which the original detection was received. Object name is video stream ID.
          • frame_index, timestamp_microsec, timestamp_millisec, video_timestamp
      • objects: array multistream objects – array of multistream body detections
        • object – information about body detection on the given view (map)
          • bbox: array float[2…] – detection coordinates on the given view (sequence of X, Y coordinates). The number of points is at least 1, determined by the method of transforming the bbox coordinates of the source objects. By default, it contains the coordinates of 1 point corresponding to the position of the person's feet on the map.
          • class: string = "body".
          • id: int – serial number of the detection on the given view. In general, it does not match the detection numbers of the original objects.
          • score: float – detector confidence, the average value of the parameter of the source objects.
          • source_objects: object – stream_uuid → source object mapping.
            • <stream_uuid>: object – source detection object on stream_uuid video stream.

If the "Tracking people on the map (Beta)" feature is disabled or configured incorrectly, the contents of the views object will be empty.