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Version: 1.13.0


Get User Information

Query me allows to get information about authorized user.

me: UserType!

UserType!: The query result is a link list:

  • username: String!: User name.
  • email: String!: User email.
  • firstName: String!: User first name.
  • lastName: String!: User last name.
  • workspaces: [WorkspaceType!]!: Information about user's workspaces.

Example Request:

me {
workspaces {

Example Response:

API returns the following result:
"data": {
"me": {
"email": "",
"firstName": "",
"lastName": "",
"username": "",
"workspaces": [
"id": "8d100a02-1b5b-4da1-b645-9fd01ef09c77"

Get Workspace Information

Query workspaceInfo is used to get information about user workspace.

query {
workspaceInfo { }}

Output parameters:

  • id
    • Workspace identifier
    • Data type: ID
  • title
    • Workspace name
    • Data type: String.
  • config
    • Workspace configuration data
    • Data format: JSON.
  • agentsCount
    • Number of agents in workspace
    • Data type: Int.
  • activeAgentsCount
    • Number of active agents in workspace
    • Data type: Int.
  • activeDevicesCount
    • Number of active agents in workspace
    • Data type: Int.
  • profilesCount
    • Number of profiles in workspace
    • Data type: Int.
  • profileGroupsCount
    • Number of profile groups in workspace
    • Data type: Int.
  • active
    • Workspace status
    • Data type: Boolean.
  • planName
    • Payment plan name
    • Data type: String.
  • checkoutUpgrade
    • URL to update the workspace payment plan
    • Data type: String.
  • detailCard
    • URL to change payment details
    • Data type: String.

Example Request:

query {
workspaceInfo {

Example Response:

API returns the following result:
"data": {
"workspaceInfo": {
"id": "***",
"title": "***",
"config": {
"features": {
"retail_analytics": {
"enabled": true
"is_active": true,
"sample_ttl": ***,
"activity_ttl": ***,
"template_version": "***",
"activity_score_threshold": 0.85,
"notification_score_threshold": 0.85
"agentsCount": 0,
"activeAgentsCount": 0,
"activeDevicesCount": 0,
"profilesCount": 0,
"profileGroupsCount": 1,
"active": true,
"planName": "",
"checkoutUpgrade": "***",
"detailCard": "***"

Get Platform Information

Query platformInformation is used to get information about installed Platform.

query {
platformInformation { }}

Output parameters:

  • platformVersion
    • Platform version
    • Data type: String.
  • templateVersion
    • Version of created biometric template
    • Data type: String.
  • sampleTtl
    • Storage time of samples in the database (in seconds)
    • Data type: String.
  • activityTtl
    • Storage time of activities in the database (in seconds)
    • Data type: String.
  • osVersion
    • OS version
    • Data type: String.

Example Request:

query {
platformInformation {

Example Response:

API returns the following result:
"data": {
"platformInformation": {
"platformVersion": "***",
"templateVersion": "***",
"sampleTtl": "***",
"activityTtl": "***",
"osVersion": "***"

Update a Workspace Configuration File

Mutation updateWorkspaceConfig is used to update a workspace configuration file.

mutation {
updateWorkspaceConfig() { }}

Input parameters:

  • workspaceConfig:
    • activityScoreThreshold
      • The threshold for linking activity to a profile. If the Score value from the agent processes (the best result of comparing the face from the camera with the face from the profile) is equal to or higher than the Score threshold value, the activity is linked to the profile.
      • Data type: Float.
    • notificationScoreThreshold
      • The threshold for generating notifications. If the Score value from the agent processes (the best result of comparing the face from the camera to the face from the profile) is equal to or higher than the threshold Score value, the activity is linked to the profile, and a notification is generated.
      • Data type: Float.

Output parameters:

  • ok
    • Mutation completion status
    • Data type: Boolean
  • workspaces: (Information on user workspace)
    • id
      • Workspace identifier
      • Data type: ID
    • title
      • Workspace name
      • Data type: String.
    • config
      • Workspace configuration data
      • Data format: JSON.
    • accesses (Information on access to a workspace)
      • id
        • Identifier
        • Data type: ID
      • token
        • Access token
        • Data type: ID
      • workspaceIsActive
        • Workspace status
        • Data type: Boolean
      • workspaceTitle
        • Workspace name
        • Data type: String
      • username
        • User name
        • Data type: String.
    • agentsCount
      • Number of agents in workspace
      • Data type: Int.
    • activeAgentsCount
      • Number of active agents in workspace
      • Data type: Int.
    • activeDevicesCount
      • Number of active agents in workspace
      • Data type: Int.
    • profilesCount
      • Number of profiles in workspace
      • Data type: Int.
    • profileGroupsCount
      • Number of profile groups in workspace
      • Data type: Int.
    • active
      • Workspace status
      • Data type: Boolean.
    • planName
      • Payment plan name
      • Data type: String.
    • checkoutUpgrade
      • URL to update the workspace payment plan
      • Data type: String.
    • detailCard
      • URL to change payment details
      • Data type: String.

Example Request:

mutation {
updateWorkspaceConfig(workspaceConfig: {activityScoreThreshold: 0.90 notificationScoreThreshold: 0.90})
workspace {

Example Response:

API returns the following result:
"data": {
"updateWorkspaceConfig": {
"ok": true,
"workspace": {
"config": {
"features": {
"retail_analytics": {
"enabled": true
"is_active": true,
"sample_ttl": 2592000,
"activity_ttl": 2592000,
"template_version": "template12v100",
"activity_score_threshold": 0.9,
"notification_score_threshold": 0.9