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Version: 1.16.2


Get triggers

Query triggers allows to get a list of triggers for creating notifications. Triggers are related to the endpoints where notifications will be sent to.

triggers(filter: JSON = null
ids: [ID] = null
limit: Int = null
offset: Int = null
order: [String] = null
targetId: ID = null
withArchived: WithArchived = null): TriggerCollection!

filter: JSON: You can filter a list of triggers by specifying one or several endpoints:

  • creation_date: Exact trigger creation date in ISO 8601 format
  • endpoints: Linked endpoint ID
  • id: ID assigned to a trigger from the database
  • is_active:
  • last_modified: Exact date of the last trigger modification in ISO 8601 format
  • meta:
  • workspace: Workspace ID
  • workspace_id: Workspace ID

ids: [ID]: To get a list of certain triggers, specify their IDs in the list.

limit: Int: The parameter allows to get the first n triggers from the list.

offset: Int: The parameter allows to remove the first n triggers from the list.

order: [String]: You can sort a list by specifying the value for the following parameters: creation_date, endpoints, id, is_active, last_modified, meta, workspace, workspace_id

targetId: ID: ID assigned to a group which the trigger is linked to

withArchived: WithArchived: To get all triggers, including the archived ones, specify all. To get only archived triggers, specify archived.

TriggerCollection!: The query result is a list of triggers that contains the following parameters:

  • totalCount: Int: Number of returned triggers
  • collectionItems: [TriggerType!]!:
    • id: ID!: Trigger ID
    • creationDate: DateTime!: Trigger creation date in ISO 8601 format
    • lastModified: DateTime!: Last trigger modification date in ISO 8601 format
    • meta: Meta!: Trigger meta-information
    • endpoints: [EndpointOutput!]!: List of endpoints linked to a trigger
    • archived: Boolean!: Attribute that a trigger is archived.

Example Request:

triggers(ids: ["3e57a95e-028c-4d27-9419-a9c4bfd6f3fb"]) {
collectionItems {
meta {
conditionLanguage {
variables {
target {
endpoints {

Example Response:

API returns the following result:
"data": {
"triggers": {
"totalCount": 1,
"collectionItems": [
"id": "3e57a95e-028c-4d27-9419-a9c4bfd6f3fb",
"creationDate": "2022-07-07T08:38:22.982190+00:00",
"lastModified": "2022-07-08T05:03:48.961423+00:00",
"meta": {
"notificationParams": "{\"lifetime\": 5}",
"conditionLanguage": {
"condition": null,
"variables": [
"name": "0_v",
"target": [
"type": "Label",
"uuid": "edbb2c49-bacc-4b43-aac8-e06fd3da35eb"
"type": "presence"
"endpoints": [
"id": "db38ec53-c09d-45f2-bfed-5877c9bd9016"
"archived": false

Create a trigger for a profile group

Mutation createProfileGroupTrigger allows to create a new trigger for a profile group. Everytime the camera detects a person from this group, the system creates a notification.

createProfileGroupTrigger(endpointAliases: [DefaultAlias!] = null
endpointIds: [ID!] = null
endpointUrl: String = null
profileGroupId: ID!): TriggerManageOutput!

endpointAliases: [DefaultAlias!]: You can submit OWNER_EMAIL or WEB_INTERFACE. In this case one of endpoints with the same value for parameter defaultAlias will be linked to a trigger.

endpointIds: [ID!]: You can submit a list of IDs assigned to endpoints which are linked to a trigger.

endpointUrl: String: You can submit URL to your webhook. This will create a new endpoint for sending notifications to your URL address.

profileGroupId: ID!: Group ID necessary for creating a trigger.

TriggerManageOutput!: The mutation result is JSON that contains the following parameters:

  • ok: Boolean!: Attribute that mutation is successfully completed
  • trigger: TriggerType!: New trigger object

Incorrect input errors:

  • Profile group not found by transmitted id:
"message": "Label matching query does not exist."
  • Endpoint not found by transmitted id:
"message": "Endpoint does not exist."

Example Request:

createProfileGroupTrigger(profileGroupId: "800f0b65-7dbe-42b2-8f66-89af95a734e7", endpointIds: ["afd7c121-3140-4a8c-b0ee-3717581eb76d"]) {
trigger {
endpoints {

Example Response:

API returns the following result:
"data": {
"createProfileGroupTrigger": {
"trigger": {
"endpoints": [
"id": "afd7c121-3140-4a8c-b0ee-3717581eb76d"
"id": "9675aede-3ee8-495b-ac8b-e284a07db99e"

Update a trigger

Mutation updateTrigger allows to update endpoints linked to a trigger. List of linked endpoints is replaced by the new one.

updateTrigger(endpointAliases: [DefaultAlias!] = null
endpointIds: [ID!] = null
triggerId: ID!): TriggerManageOutput!

endpointAliases: [DefaultAlias!]: You can submit OWNER_EMAIL or WEB_INTERFACE. In this case one of endpoints with the same value in parameter defaultAlias will be linked to a trigger.

endpointIds: [ID!]: You can submit a list of IDs assigned to endpoints which will be linked to a trigger.

triggerId: ID!: Trigger ID

TriggerManageOutput!: The mutation result is JSON that contains the following parameters:

  • ok: Boolean!: Attribute that mutation is successfully completed
  • trigger: TriggerType!: Updated trigger object

Incorrect input errors:

  • Trigger not found by passed id:
"message": "Trigger matching query does not exist."
  • Endpoint not found by transmitted id:
"message": "Endpoint does not exist."

Example Request:

triggerId: "64e0a7ec-0df4-4734-a460-601fa1b65a1f",
endpointIds: ["6e5a6d3b-8247-488e-95d7-57a306b294ed"],
endpointAliases: OWNER_EMAIL) {
trigger {
endpoints {

Example Response:

API returns the following result:
"data": {
"updateTrigger": {
"ok": true,
"trigger": {
"id": "64e0a7ec-0df4-4734-a460-601fa1b65a1f",
"endpoints": [
"id": "6e5a6d3b-8247-488e-95d7-57a306b294ed",
"defaultAlias": null
"id": "6fd67f81-a195-442b-a991-1a0eca6bbb69",
"defaultAlias": "OWNER_EMAIL"

Mutation linkEndpoint allows to link endpoint to trigger. The endpoint is to be added to a list of endpoints linked to the trigger.

linkEndpoint(endpointAliases: [DefaultAlias!] = null
endpointIds: ID! = null
triggerId: ID!): MutationResult!

endpointAliases: [DefaultAlias!]: You can submit OWNER_EMAIL or WEB_INTERFACE. In this case one of endpoints with the same value for parameter defaultAlias will be linked to a trigger.

endpointIds: ID!: You can submit ID assigned to an endpoint that will be linked to a trigger.

triggerId: ID!: Trigger ID

MutationResult!: The mutation result is JSON that contains the following parameters:

  • ok: Boolean!: Attribute that mutation is successfully completed

Incorrect input errors:

  • Endpoint id for binding to a trigger has not been passed:
"message": "Unknown exception code for 'bad_input_data' type",
"code": "No id or alias provided"
  • Endpoint not found by transmitted id:
"message": "Endpoint matching query does not exist."
  • Trigger not found by passed id:
"message": "Trigger matching query does not exist."

Example Request:

linkEndpoint(triggerId: "64e0a7ec-0df4-4734-a460-601fa1b65a1f", endpointAlias: WEB_INTERFACE) {

Example Response:

API returns the following result:
"data": {
"linkEndpoint": {
"ok": true

Mutation unlinkEndpoint is used to unlink endpoint from trigger. The endpoint is removed from a list of endpoints linked to the trigger.

unlinkEndpoint(endpointAliases: [DefaultAlias!] = null
endpointIds: ID! = null
triggerId: ID!): MutationResult!

endpointAliases: [DefaultAlias!]: You can submit OWNER_EMAIL or WEB_INTERFACE. In this case one of endpoints with the same value for parameter defaultAlias is removed from a list of endpoints linked to this trigger.

endpointIds: ID!: You can submit ID of an endpoint to be removed from a list of endpoints linked to this trigger.

triggerId: ID!: Trigger ID

MutationResult!: The mutation result is JSON that contains the following parameters:

  • ok: Boolean!: Attribute that mutation is successfully completed.

Incorrect input errors:

  • Endpoint id to unlink from the trigger has not been passed:
"message": "Unknown exception code for 'bad_input_data' type",
"code": "No id or alias provided"
  • Endpoint not found by transmitted id:
"message": "Endpoint matching query does not exist."
  • Trigger not found by passed id:
"message": "Trigger matching query does not exist."

Example Request:

unlinkEndpoint(triggerId: "64e0a7ec-0df4-4734-a460-601fa1b65a1f", endpointAlias: WEB_INTERFACE) {

Example Response:

API returns the following result:
"data": {
"unlinkEndpoint": {
"ok": true

Delete a trigger

Mutation deleteTrigger allows to delete a trigger.

deleteTrigger(triggerId: ID!): MutationResult!

triggerId: ID!: Trigger ID

MutationResult!: The mutation result is JSON that contains the following parameters:

  • ok: Boolean!: Attribute that mutation is successfully completed.

Incorrect input errors:

  • Trigger not found by passed id:
"message": "Trigger matching query does not exist."

Example Request:

deleteTrigger(triggerId: "64e0a7ec-0df4-4734-a460-601fa1b65a1f") {

Example Response:

API returns the following result:
"data": {
"deleteTrigger": {
"ok": true