Functional testing and debugging
Functional testing
The distribution kit contains a script for automatic check of OMNI Platform functionality. Specify the Platform URL http://<>
, user email <platform-user-secret.default_email>
and run the command (a test lasts for about one minute):
./ platform test - <http://<> <platform-user-secret.default_email> –-show-trace
After running the script, the console will ask for a password. Enter the user password platform-user-secret.default_password
and press the Enter key.
After the tests are completed successfully, the console will display the following text:
Test data prepared successfully
create_search_profile test started
create_search_profile test succeeded
Test data deleted successfully
If the service doesn't work correctly, you can get the logs by running the command below, where you need to set the pod name:
kubectl logs $POD_NAME
You can also get the logs of the previous launch attempt:
kubectl logs $POD_NAME --previous
Or through the Events section in the output of the command below:
kubectl describe pod $POD_NAME
Helpful commands
Install OMNI Platform release:
./ platform install
Delete OMNI Platform release:
./ platform uninstall
Start the license server:
sudo service floatingserver start
Stop the license server:
sudo service floatingserver stop