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3DV-EdgeAI-32 is equipped with an RS485 interface. The device name is /dev/ttyS1, it supports full duplex, and the standard data transfer rate is 9600 baud.


This section is to be expanded.

Testing method

(1) Connect the equipment

Connect the A, B, and GND pins of the board to the corresponding A, B, and GND pins of the serial port adapter (USB to RS485 to serial port module).

(2) Open serial terminal on PC

Launch minicom in the terminal using the following command:

root@test:/home/rev# minicom -D /dev/ttyUSB0 -s 115200

Where /dev/ttyUSB0 is the device name for the USB-to-serial adapter and may vary based on the actual device recognition on the PC.

(3) Send data

For RS485, the device name is /dev/ttyS1. Execute the following commands on the device:

chmod 666 /dev/ttyS1
cu -l ttyS1 -s 115200

Type the string "3DiVi RS485 test..." in the terminal. The serial terminal on the PC should receive the string "3DiVi RS485 test...".

(4) Receive data

To receive data, execute the following commands on the device:

chmod 666 /dev/ttyS1
cu -l ttyS1 -s 115200

Then, type the string "3DiVi RS485 test..." in the serial terminal on the PC, and you should see the same string displayed on the device.


In addition to RS485, 3DV-EdgeAI-32 features an RS232 interface. The device name is /dev/ttyS0, which supports full duplex communication, and the standard baud rate is 115200 bps. It is important to note that the RS232 interface is used for the serial console, allowing the user to log in by default.

The testing method is similar to the steps for RS485; however, you need to pay attention to the device name and baud rate.


The CAN interface is connected via the device /dev/ttyUSBx. This section is to be expanded.