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Version: 3.25.0 (latest)

System requirements

Supported operating systems

Operating systemArchitectureRecommended version
Linuxx86-64Ubuntu 18.04
arm-32Ubuntu 18.04
arm-64jetpack 4.4
Androidarm-32api 21 - 34
arm-64api 23 - 34
iOSarm-6412 - 17.1

Available APIs

  • C++ API (for Windows, Linux, Android, iOS)
  • Java wrapper (for Windows, Linux, Android)
  • C# wrapper (for Windows, Linux)
  • Python wrapper (for Windows, Linux)
  • Swift API (for iOS)
  • Kotlin wrapper (for Android)
  • Flutter plugin (for iOS, Android)
  • Javascript

See more details here

Hardware recommendations

The following hardware configuration recommended to achieve best performance*.

Desktop PCs (x86 64-bit CPU):

  • CPU Intel Core i7-7700K @ 4.20GHz (4 Cores);
  • 8 GB RAM;

* Based on the result of test on the FullHD (1920x1080) video stream with no more than 5 faces in the frame using method12v100_recognizer.xml recognition method.

Android (ARM 64-bit CPU):

  • CPU Qualcomm Snapdragon 821 @ 2.15 GHz (4 Cores);
  • 4 GB RAM;

* Based on the result of test on the VGA (640x480) video stream with 1 face in the frame using method12v30_recognizer.xml recognition methods.

GPU acceleration

GPU acceleration is available at:

  • Windows x86 64-bit
  • Linux x86 64-bit
  • NVIDIA Jetson (JetPack 4.3/4.4)
  • Android (Legacy API only)


You can also use pre-built docker containers with CUDA support, such as nvidia/cuda:10.0-cudnn7-devel-ubuntu16.04 (note that some licenses can be unavailable in this case).


  • System requirements:
    • JetPack 4.3 or 4.4*

* Tests were performed on the Jetson TX2 and Jetson NX modules.

You can select jetson_jetpack_4.3_4.4 component in Face SDK installation wizard. By default, it uses the build for jetpack 4.4. If a build for jetpack 4.3 is required, move all files from the lib/jetpack-4.3 directory to the lib directory.