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Version: 1.13.0

3. Functional Testing and Debugging

3.1 Functional Testing

The distribution kit contains a script for automatic check of OMNI Platform functionality. Specify the Platform URL http://platform.$DOMAIN, user email <PLATFORM_DEFAULT_EMAIL> and run the command:

$ python3 integration_tests/ <platform url> <user email>-show-trace

After running the script, the console will ask for a password. Enter the user password <PLATFORM_DEFAULT_PASSWORD> and press the Enter key. After the tests are completed successfully, the console will display the following text:

Test data prepared successfully
create_search_profile test started
create_search_profile test succeeded
Test data deleted successfully

3.1.1 Possible Testing Errors and Solutions

When testing errors occur, the system returns the following result:

Error: <error type>
Error message: <error message>

error type indicates the type of error that occurred, and error message provides more specific information about the error.

Commands for debugging services are described in section 3.2, the list of services and their responsibilities are given in section 2.4.3.

Combinations of errors and messages with possible solutions are listed below.


  • <urlopen error Wrong url format: asdasd>

Invalid URL format, please enter a valid address.

  • <urlopen error [Errno -2] Name or service not known> \ <urlopen error [Errno 111] Connection refused>

URL belongs to an unavailable service. Check the entered address, and make sure that OMNI Platform is deployed correctly and is accessible from the outside. If you have access by domain, check that /etc/hosts file has the domain that points to IP address of the deployed OMNI Platform.

  • HTTP Error 405: Not Allowed

Make sure that URL you entered will take you to OMNI Platform and not to a third-party service.

  • HTTP Error 502: Bad Gateway / HTTP Error 503: Service Temporarily Unavailable

Make sure the backend-dep service is deployed.


  • connection to server at "localhost" (::1), port 5432 failed: Connection refused Is the server running on that host and accepting TCP/IP connections?

Make sure the database is available and working properly.

  • Authorization error

Make sure you enter the correct user password and email.

  • Wrong answer from server. JSON can not decoded

Make sure that URL you entered takes you to OMNI Platform and not to a third-party service.

  • License has not been leased yet

Make sure the license server is running and OMNI Platform has access to it. Also, check that the license is activated correctly.

  • Low quality photo

Check that the service responsible for calculating the quality of photos is available and working correctly.

  • Profile not searched Make sure that the service responsible for searching the database of profiles is available and works correctly.

If you have difficulty with the above errors or meet any other errors or messages that cannot be debugged and resolved on the spot, please contact <ContactSupport/>.

3.2 Debugging

If the service doesn't work correctly, you can get the logs by running the command below, where you need to set the name of the pod you're interested in:

$ kubectl logs $POD_NAME

You can also get the logs of the previous launch attempt:

$ kubectl logs $POD_NAME --previous

Or through the Events section in the output of the command below:

$ kubectl describe pod $POD_NAME