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Version: 3.25.1 (latest)

Processing Block


Create Processing Blocks

The ProcessingBlock object is used to detect faces and perform image quality assessment. Block Type Modification

Procedure for using the object ProcessingBlock:

  1. Create an object ProcessingBlock
ProcessingBlock processingBlock = service.createProcessingBlock({
"unit_type": "<Block Type>",
"modification": "<Modification>",
"@sdk_path": "<path to Face SDK>"
  1. Get an image and convert it to RGB format
  2. Create a Context object with the following data
final Context data = service.createContext({
"objects": [],
"image": {
"blob": <byte array with image in RGB format>,
"dtype": "uint8_t",
"format": "NDARRAY",
"shape": [<image height in pixels>, <image width in pixels>, 3]
  1. Call the process method of ProcessingBlock
Context result = processingBlock.process(data);
  1. Output data is in result["objects"]
    Example of data usage

    Getting the coordinates of the top left and bottom right points of the bbox

for (int i = 0; i < objects.len(); i++) {
Context object = objects[i];
Context bbox = object["bbox"];

// Top left point of bbox
double x1 = bbox[0].get_value() * imageWidth;
double y1 = bbox[1].get_value() * imageHeight;

// Bottom right point of bbox
double x2 = bbox[2].get_value() * imageWidth;
double y2 = bbox[3].get_value() * imageHeight;

1. Creating ProcessingBlock FaceDetector object

FaceDetector is used to detect faces in an image

ProcessingBlock faceDetector = service.createProcessingBlock({
"unit_type": "FACE_DETECTOR",
"modification": "uld",
"@sdk_path": "<path to Face SDK>",
"min_size": 50

2. Creating a ProcessingBlock FaceFitter object

FaceFitter is used to find key points of faces in an image
Some ProcessingBlocks require the FaceDetector + FaceFitter bundle to work

ProcessingBlock fitter = service.createProcessingBlock({
"unit_type": "FACE_FITTER",
"modification": "tddfa_faster",
"@sdk_path": "<path to Face SDK>"

3. Creating ProcessingBlock QualityAssessment object

QualityAssessment is used to assess the quality of an image using multiple parameters
It requires FaceFitter to work

ProcessingBlock qualityAssessment = service.createProcessingBlock({
"modification": "assessment",
"config_name": "quality_assessment.xml",
"@sdk_path": "<path to Face SDK>"

4. Creating ProcessingBlock QualityEstimator object

The QualityEstimator is used to evaluate image quality

ProcessingBlock qualityEstimator = service.createProcessingBlock({
"modification": "estimation",
"@sdk_path": "<path to Face SDK>"