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Release Notes

1.9.2 (01 Feb 2023)

Note: This version of OMNI Platform uses OMNI Agent v2.1.1 and Face SDK v3.15.0

What's New


  • Added the return of activity status in API:
    • PROGRESS - a person is in the frame;
    • FINALIZED - a person is out of the frame;
    • FAILED - agent didn’t send activity update for more than 30 sec.

Web Interface

  • Added display of the current version and a link to the Release Notes in platform web-interface;
  • Added display of the current version and a link to the Release Notes in agent web-interface;
  • Added display of activity status in activity table.

Bug Fixes


  • Fixed 400 Bad Request error when opening the analytical dashboards;
  • Fixed a bug occurred when adding a watchlist to the profile;
  • Bug fixed: it was unable to add a profile created without an avatar to a watchlist, even if the image was uploaded later;
  • Fixed a bug returned after a profile was successfully created, if the mutation requests profileGroups;
  • Fixed a bug occurred when updating a profile image, the agent did not update the template to the new one.

Web Interface

  • Removed the necessity to accept 3DiVi privacy policy and terms of service on the sign-up page of OMNI platform;
  • Fixed filtering by date:
    • Fixed calendar jumps between months when setting the date;
    • Fixed disappearance of month change buttons.
  • Fixed a bug when a profile was created without an image if it did not meet the requirements. Now creating a profile will return an error;
  • Fixed a bug when the image could not be saved during the creation or update of the profile;
  • Fixed a bug when the agent used invalid data from cookies when reinstalling. As a result, it skipped the server selection and authorization stages, and stopped working.



  • Activity is created in the database immediately after a person gets in the frame.

Web Interface

  • Changed images to display anonymous profiles and profiles without an avatar;
  • Changed names for input fields in filters by date: “Creation Date” → “Creation Period”, “Modify Date” → “Modify Period”;
  • Changed the display of buttons for loading new data when auto-update is turned off.

1.9.1 (02 Nov 2022)



  • Added support for images with alpha channel in png.

1.9.0 (10 Oct 2022)

What's New


  • Added ability to configure the thresholds for receiving notifications and attaching activities;
  • Added ability to use an improved search algorithm - 11v1000;
  • Added a default limit for the number of objects returned on API request.

Web Interface

  • Added the ability to batch create profiles;
  • Added the ability to set and update the profile avatar;
  • Added new filters for:
    • Notifications;
    • Activities.
  • Added Activities page;
  • Added Endpoints page;
  • Added status filter for notifications: read, unread, all;
  • A number of profiles in the database is now displayed at home page;
  • Added ability to display notification data in two ways: table view and tile view;
  • Added widget with access token at web interface home page and the ability to copy it;
  • Added ability to copy object ID in object card;
  • Added information cards for watchlists and agents.

Bug Fixes


  • Fixed a bug with update of profile data;
  • Fixed a bug occurred when updating the search index under high load;
  • Fixed false rejection to create a profile due to low photo quality, even if the photo quality is high enough;
  • Fixed incorrect count of licensed profiles;
  • Fixed a bug that prevented from receiving notifications on profiles added to groups;
  • Fixed memory leak;

Web Interface

  • Fixed a bug with page flickering when enabling/disabling automatic update on Profiles, Activities and Notifications pages;
  • Fixed a bug with permanent loading indicator on Analytics panel of web interface;
  • Fixed a bug with check of photo dimensions when creating a profile;
  • Fixed a bug when adding a camera that could lead to endless loading.



  • Redesigned and accelerated sending of data for the agent. The data is related to profiles added to watchlists;
  • Accelerated profile adding and deleting, as well as adding a profile to a group;
  • Optimized sending of analytics data;
  • Fixed long-running notification request.

Web Interface

  • Redesigned filters, changed sequence of filter fields;
  • Simplified change of tariff plan;
  • Changed the path to create a single profile. Now a profile card is opened after clicking Create a profile button;
  • Removed History page;
  • Redesigned Notifications page:
    • All notifications are shown in web interface;
    • Table data view format;
    • Added filters.
  • Redesigned profile card:
    • Added ability to upload an image for identification;
    • Added creation and last modification dates;
    • Removed first and last activity dates;
    • Removed calculation of the exact age after setting the date of birth.
  • Redesigned Billing page;
  • Added information cards for Watchlists and Agents;
  • Added ability to copy an object ID in object card;
  • Removed image for identification from the profile card and profile table;
  • Redesigned right sidebar of web interface:
    • Background color changed to white;
    • Added frame on the left;
    • Added shadow on the left when opening.
  • Improved Settings page:
    • Section menu buttons are aligned with a title;
    • In the menu header, the title is changed from Sections to Settings.
  • Changed data output after an empty filter result. Changed from No <entities> to No <entities> that match the filters. Try to change the filters;
  • Changed the logic and text of Add to Watchlist button. The button now contains the text “Create a profile” and when clicked the system creates a profile from the activity;
  • Optimized periodic queries;
  • Changed pagination: added ability to always move to the first and last page, added data output on the number of objects.