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Digital Signage

OMNI Platform allows you to get digital ads viewing statistics across multiple advertising screens in real time.

The system tracks every person looking at the screen, calculates the attention time and determines age, gender and emotions of the advertising audience, while maintaining their complete anonymity. Statistics is available online 24/7.

For your convenience all analytics is visualized in the analytics dashboards. To open the analytics dashboard, go to web interface home page and choose Digital Signage at the *Analytics panel.


Digital Signage Dashboard

The analytics dashboard for Digital Signage consists of 3 sections:

  • General
  • Watchers’ demographics
  • Watchers’ emotions

For your convenience all collected analytics is represented in the charts and highlighted with different colors. To view the number and percentage of people for each analytics parameter, just point the mouse cursor to the chart area of your interest.

All charts are equipped with a smart legend, allowing you to customize their appearance if necessary, deactivating the display of certain parameters.

To deactivate the parameters, choose the necessary parameter in the smart legend and click on the 3 dots icon on the right. In the pop-up window select Filter out value option and the parameter will be deactivated. To deactivate the parameter in vertical bar charts, you can just click on the certain parameter in the smart legend and it will disappear from the chart.


In the analytics dashboard you can view the analytics for a specified time period. To select the time period, click on the clock icon in the top right corner of your dashboard.



This section displays aggregate traffic data from advertising screens in real time.


OTS (opportunity-to-see) is the number of people detected in the camera's field view (including those who did not look at the camera / at the screen).

Watchers is the number of people who looked at the object of attention (at the camera / at the advertising screen).

Attention time is the total time in seconds people spent on looking at the object of attention (at the camera / at the advertising screen).

Dwell time is the total time in seconds people spent in the camera's field of view.

OTS-Watchers distribution chart shows the total number of all detected people (OTS) and watchers for the specified time period.


OTS-Watchers over the day chart shows the hours of day allocation of the number of all detected people (OTS) and all watchers for the specified time period. Based on the data presented, you can make a conclusion at what hour the most intensive human traffic occurs.


OTS-Watchers over the week chart shows the day-by-week allocation of the number of all detected people (OTS) and all watchers for the specified time period. Based on the data presented, you can make a conclusion at what day of the week the most intensive human traffic occurs.


Dwell-Attention distribution chart shows the total time people spent in the camera's field of view, and the time of all views accomplished for the selected time period.


Dwell-Attention over the day chart shows the hours of day allocation of the time spent in the camera's field of view and viewing time for the specified time period. Data clearly illustrates what hours have the most intensive human traffic.


Dwell-Attention over the week chart shows the days of the week allocation of the time spent in the camera's field of view and viewing time for the specified time period. Based on the submitted data, you can see at which day of the week the views are the longest.


Watchers' Demographics

The Demographics tab contains the information about the views regarding watchers' gender, age and emotions over the specified time period.


The upper information block contains the following indicators:

Male is percentage of male watchers;

Female is percentage of female watchers;

Male average attention time is an average duration of male views in seconds;

Female average attention time is an average duration of female views in seconds;

Gender distribution of Watchers chart shows the number and percentage of male and female watchers.


Age distribution of Watchers chart shows the number and percentage of watchers by age groups:

  • child (under 14 inclusive)
  • young (from 14 to 25 inclusive)
  • adult (from 25 to 45 inclusive)
  • senior (from 45 to 100 inclusive)


Gender-Age distribution of Watchers chart shows the number and percentage of watchers by demographic groups:

  • child male
  • child female
  • young male
  • young female
  • adult male
  • adult female
  • senior male
  • senior female


Watchers over the day chart shows the hours of day allocation of the number of watchers for the specified time period. On the basis of the data presented, you can make a conclusion at what hour the most intensive human traffic occurs.


Watchers over the week chart shows the day-by-week allocation of the number of watchers for the specified time period. Based on the data presented, you can make a conclusion at what day of the week the most intensive human traffic occurs.


Attention time over the day chart shows the hours of day allocation of viewing time in seconds for the specified time period. Data clearly illustrates what hours have the most intensive human traffic.


Attention time over the week chart shows the days of the week allocation of viewing time in seconds for the specified time period. Based on the submitted data, you can see at which day of the week the views are the longest.


Watchers' Emotions

The charts in this section show the watchers’ emotional state: happy, surprised, neutral or angry. This analytics can be used to measure the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns and customer satisfaction.

Watchers’ emotions chart shows the ratio of emotions (happy, neutral, surprised, angry) fixed during the views for the selected time period.


Gender distribution of Watchers’ emotions chart shows the allocation of different emotional states of male and female watchers detected over the selected time period.


Age distribution of Watchers’ emotions shows the allocation of different emotional states of watchers by age groups detected over the selected time period.


Ads Targeting

You can integrate OMNI Platform into your ads targeting solutions to create and play more personalized ads on your advertising screens.

Except for sending the analytics to OMNI Platform, OMNI Agents can be configured to send the demographic and behavioral information about ads watchers directly to your application in real time. This data can be helpful to determine your target audience and bind it to certain digital ads.