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Watchlist is an object used for profile grouping and receiving notifications. It contains a number of profile IDs, watchlist metadata and attached trigger. If the detected activity belongs to a profile from this watchlist, the system enables this attached trigger with the condition to create and send a notification.

Create Watchlists

When creating an account, the system automatically creates My persons watchlist with a pre-created and attached trigger. Just add a profile to this watchlist and receive notifications within the system without additional settings.

To create a watchlist, do the following:

  1. Go to Settings page, choose Watchlists section and click Create a Watchlist button.


  1. Fill in watchlist name, select a color and click Save button.


  1. As a result, a new watchlist is created.


Note: to receive notifications on this watchlist, you need to create a trigger and attach it to the watchlist. Trigger can be attached to the watchlist when editing the watchlist or creating the trigger. To learn how to create a trigger and attach it to the watchlist, see Triggers section of User Guide.

View Watchlists

To view the existing watchlists, do the following:

  1. Go to Settings page and select Watchlists section. The page displays a table with the watchlists currently existing in the database. On the first visit you'll see My persons watchlist, created by default when the account is created.
  2. To view detailed information, click on a row in the table to open the watchlist card. The card displays watchlist name, color, creation date, last modification date and a button with a shortened ID. To see the full ID, just hover over this button. If you click the button, watchlist ID will be copied to the clipboard.


Edit Watchlists

To edit watchlists, do the following:

  1. Open a watchlist card by clicking a table row of this watchlist.


  1. In the card you can change name, color and remove a trigger. The removed trigger will be deleted from the database. To change color or name click on the appropriate fields. To configure triggers, move to Triggers section of Settings page. After changes, click Save button.


  1. As a result, a watchlist changed name, color and got a trigger attached.


Delete Watchlists

To delete a watchlist, do the following:

  1. Open a watchlist card by clicking a table row of this watchlist and click Delete button at the top right side of web interface.


  1. Confirm the deleting.


  1. As a result, a watchlist is deleted from the database.



The system contains a list of filters for watchlist searching. Watchlists are filtered by the following parameters:

  • Watchlist IDs
  • Name
  • Profile ID (for the profiles added to the watchlists)
  • Color

To configure filters, click Filtering icon at the top right side of web-interface under Account button.


Fill in the appropriate fields in the opened tab. IDs can be copied from object cards.
